Sphere of Influence: Brooke Webb

Sphere of Influence: Brooke Webb
Words by Ashley Locke

A conversation with Brooke Webb of @kbstyled:

  1. When did you first realize people were paying attention to you on Instagram?

    I wasn’t introduced to Instagram until early 2014. I started noticing there was an opportunity as a woman to share my personal passion and to follow along with other women. On Instagram it was OK to put up a picture of myself in an outfit and not feel strange about it. On Facebook people share vacations, birthdays, and anniversaries, but I felt it would be weird to post a selfie. Instagram gave me an outlet to post outfits of the day and selfies wearing certain makeup looks. People started taking notice, and I moved my Instagram account from private to public.

  2. How do you keep your posts creative and fun?

    Leading up to 2018, I was mainly just focusing on style. I was sharing outfit after outfit, and I was feeling a little empty and vain—there’s so much more to me as a person. At the end of 2017, I wanted to move from a fashion influencer into more of a lifestyles influencer. I want to be fashion forward, but I also want people to come to me and find a great recipe, or how to decorate a holiday table, or tips for traveling to Disney World. I want to offer more to those who follow along with me and to bring people things they will value.

  3. How do you manage to stay authentic in your posts?

    It’s been hard for me to let my guard down. People who choose to follow along appreciate authenticity, so it’s important to use a platform like mine to share that. I want to be honest and pass along messages that will inspire someone else. I believe wisdom comes with age. I truly feel that the experience that comes with being a wife and mother helps keep it real.

  4. How do you separate your work life and your personal life?

    I actually worked in HR until March of this year. @kbstyled was my second full time job for almost three years. The balance was tough in the beginning, especially as I continued to grow and evolve. I worked Monday through Friday for 60 hours in HR, managed things at home, then worked until 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. on @kbstyled. When I stop and think about what’s important—being an amazing wife and mom—I want my legacy to be far bigger than anything I’ve created for @kbstyled. When I’m with my family, I try my best to disconnect from everything else and be in the moment. My business will always be there—it’s a seven-day work week. I’m  never off, but remembering what’s number one—my family—maintains the balance.

  5. What have you learned from managing such a busy schedule?

    It’s exhausting. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that it’s critical to be organized. I found myself spending time on things that didn’t add value. I was focusing on the wrong things, which pulled me in too many directions. I learned to stick to those things that truly add value.

  6. What are a few of your go-tos in Nashville?

    Food: Henrietta Red, Moto
    Rooftop Bars: Rare Bird at Noelle, L27 at the Westin
    Fashion: ABLE in The Nations
    Fun: Nashville Predators and Tennessee Titans games